Fresh-Made Wreaths​
Watch as wreaths are made from a variety of greens, pine cones, and more! Standard round wreaths are 3 sizes - 12", 22" and 32". There are also unique horse wreaths found only at our farm! For horse wreaths (30" and 44") and wreaths larger than 32", please email us!.

We pride ourselves in offering a new selection of ornaments - for children (animals, ballerinas, carousel, and robots), for adults (wine lovers, beach-themed, sports and hobbies), and more - elegant santas, snowmen and reindeer, and countless others with glitter and sparkle.
Also, look for our 4th annual Garlock Tree Farm ornament, based on an original painting of the farm by Becky's sister Michelle Johnson.
Nutcrackers & More!​
Enjoy choosing your annual nutcracker from classic nutcrackers, to specialty styles including wine, sports, and more.
New this year, come and see a limited selection of Jim Shore Christmas creations, including several featuring Peanuts characters - a proud Sonoma County creation (Charles Schultz lived in Santa Rosa for > 30 years).

Tree Stands​
We offer 2 different tree stand styles in sizes from table top to extra large. The first is known as a Davis / Mitchell stand (left(. Watch this video for demonstration of how easy it is to install and straighten tree. We also have rebar stands (right). We can drill a hole for you - all you need to do is tap the stand into the trunk. When finished, it unscrews.

Snack Bar
Enjoy breakfast burritos or hotdogs, snacks such as pastries (apple fritters, cookies), fruit, sweets (peppermint bark or specialty candies), popcorn, cold drinks (smoothies, juice, soft drinks, water) and hot drinks (hot chocolate, apple cider or free hot coffee). We are also proud to offer fresh baked Twin Hills Apple Bread (mini & regular loaves), and apple cookies.